

Revolution Calling

- We must not believe the many, who say that only free people ought to be educated, but we should rather believe the philosophers who say that only the educated are free. - Epictetus (Roman Philosopher and former slave)


Monday, July 30, 2001

Marijuana Prohibition Facts
A nice fact sheet for marijuana prohibition:
posted by Darin D on 7/30/2001 04:04:59 PM

New Marijuana Arrest Record
In 1999, the number of marijuana arrests in the United States (by state and local police) was the largest in history: 704,812!
posted by Darin D on 7/30/2001 03:55:47 PM

Decriminalizing Marijuana: The Sky Is Not Falling A short editorial about Britain’s move toward decriminalizing marijuana
posted by Darin D on 7/30/2001 03:42:34 PM

50-mile round trip for a 'safe' reefer
"A PARAPLEGIC cannabis smoker celebrated a controversial decision by Lambeth police not to arrest drug users carrying small amounts of marijuana by lighting a joint on the steps of Brixton police station yesterday."
posted by Darin D on 7/30/2001 03:21:44 PM

Canada Allows Terminally Ill to Smoke Marijuana
"OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada became the first country in the world on Monday to allow terminally ill patients to grow and smoke their own marijuana..."

posted by Darin D on 7/30/2001 03:18:45 PM

.: nsa_employee_manual.pdf :.
For your reading enjoyment: The NSA New Employee Security Manual
posted by Darin D on 7/30/2001 03:00:01 PM

FBI Bugging Case Goes to Court More invasion of privacy brought to you by the U.S. Federal Government. Coming soon to a PC near you.

posted by Darin D on 7/30/2001 02:32:16 PM

Tracking Bloggers With Blogdex "MIT's Media Lab is experimenting with a tool for indexing the most popular hypertext links across thousands of weblogs and has ambitious plans to turn it into a resource for the mass media."
"It's a way of looking at Internet memetics, the way memes evolve and develop over time,"
posted by Amanda Polson on 7/30/2001 02:09:50 PM

Sunday, July 29, 2001

The Times of India Yet another claim of the United States using chemical warfare agents during the Gulf War.
posted by Death Angel on 7/29/2001 09:29:43 PM

IT worker faces jail for installing screensaver at work
David McOwen faces up to 15 years in jail and is also in line to receive a damages bill of up to $415,000 for installing screensavers on computers at work.
-Sign the petition here here

posted by Darin D on 7/29/2001 01:37:17 PM

The Wire - News from The AP -Bush Administration Appears To Yield Somewhat On Demands- ``We'll strike where necessary,'' said Lieberman, adding that the Bush administration has a more secretive view of the deliberative process than is warranted.

posted by Death Angel on 7/29/2001 03:04:05 AM

The Wire - News from The AP The Energy Department has identified 317 sites that employed more than 650,000 people nationwide for nuclear weapons-related work during the Cold War.
posted by Death Angel on 7/29/2001 02:57:37 AM

Puerto Rico Wants U.S. Navy Out ``I have always fought for the Navy to go,'' said Severina Guadalupe, 74, who recalled how the Navy sent a bulldozer that flattened her parents' farmhouse in 1940 and expelled the family from their land with 24 hours' notice.
posted by Death Angel on 7/29/2001 02:50:01 AM

Friday, July 27, 2001

cannabis.com: Drug Testing FAQ v4.12 The Title says it all
posted by Darin D on 7/27/2001 02:36:50 AM

ZDNet: Interactive Week: War on Drugs Targets Tech The FBI blames new technology for the failure of the War on Drugs.
posted by Darin D on 7/27/2001 02:24:04 AM

Thursday, July 26, 2001

US LA: Column: On Taking Drug Tests, Just Say 'No' The fallacies of employment drug testing.
posted by Death Angel on 7/26/2001 11:40:56 PM

Prospects for Peace in the Middle East Transcript of a March 2001 talk with Noam Chomsky
posted by Darin D on 7/26/2001 12:22:04 PM

BBC News | AMERICAS | US rejects germ warfare plan
The United States has refused to sign up to an international agreement designed to enforce a ban on the use of biological weapons.
posted by Darin D on 7/26/2001 03:27:54 AM

Wednesday, July 25, 2001

Police Brutality and Prison-Industrial Complex : SF Indymedia - "The Prisons & Police Brutality IMC is a non-commercial, non-corporate project by journalists, activists and regular people to report on news about police brutality and the prison industrial complex which is usually censored. The project is a collaboration between Bay Area Alternative Media and SF Indymedia."
posted by Death Angel on 7/25/2001 06:18:26 PM

Feature | The Prison Industry - An excellent CorpWatch introduction to the privatized prison industry issues.
posted by Death Angel on 7/25/2001 05:53:56 PM

The Prison Industrial Complex in America: Investment in Slavery -
A partial listing of corporations involved in 'prison for profit' ventures.
posted by Death Angel on 7/25/2001 05:49:42 PM

Against the American Correctional Association: Aug. 10-12 : SF Indymedia - Protesting the AmeriCorp gulag.
posted by Death Angel on 7/25/2001 05:44:34 PM

Evolution/Involution of Consciousness

Quite comprehensive and useful to us studying anthropologists.
posted by Amanda Polson on 7/25/2001 01:19:35 PM

Monday, July 23, 2001

BBC News | BUSINESS | Coke sued over death squad claims Trade union leaders in the United States have said they are suing the soft-drinks company Coca-Cola for allegedly hiring right-wing death squads to terrorise workers at its Colombian bottling plant.
posted by Darin D on 7/23/2001 11:49:54 AM

Looking Forward. Participatory Economics for the 21st century
A text version of this book about Participatory Economics by Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel
posted by Darin D on 7/23/2001 10:51:33 AM

Voting Patterns and Abstentions
A commentary on the 2000 election and American Democracy by Noam Chomsky
posted by Darin D on 7/23/2001 10:16:32 AM

Sunday, July 22, 2001

NetAction's Virtual Activist Training Guide 2.0
posted by Death Angel on 7/22/2001 09:10:02 PM

Carnegie Endowment - The Internet and State Control in Authoritarian Regimes: China, Cuba and the Counterrevolution Authoritarian Regimes and the internet.
posted by Death Angel on 7/22/2001 08:55:57 PM

MediaChannel.org -- A Global Network of Over 725 Media Issues Affiliates Moving towards responsible journalism...
posted by Death Angel on 7/22/2001 08:40:11 PM

ZNet Commentary - The American public is now sufficiently brainwashed with 'anti-drug' hysteria , that allegations of 'substance abuse' are accepted as an excuse to sterilize women.
posted by Death Angel on 7/22/2001 08:00:54 PM

GuerrillaNews Special Report: Coca-Karma An interesting investigative article from guerrillanews.com .
posted by Death Angel on 7/22/2001 05:35:16 PM

Diplomat brands whales 'cockroaches of the sea' - smh.com.au - World - Abandon all logic, ye who enter here.
posted by Death Angel on 7/22/2001 05:31:35 PM

Friday, July 20, 2001

ECHELON: NSA's Global Electronic Interception - When all government, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to
Washington as the Center of all Power, it will render powerless the checks
provided of one government on another and will become as venal and
oppressive as the government from which we separated."
1821- In a letter to Gideon Granger.
posted by Death Angel on 7/20/2001 11:27:59 PM

Bush to Say No to Clean Energy in Genoa
"The Bush administration plans to oppose an international drive to phase out fossil fuel subsidies and increase financing for nonpolluting energy sources worldwide, administration officials said today"
- Any ideas who interest Bush is looking out for?
posted by Darin D on 7/20/2001 03:29:18 AM

House Passes Bush's Faith-Based Initiative
...``This bill is not about church. It is not about state,'' Watts said. ``It's about people in the trenches every day having more resources to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless.''
- Of course if they were really interested in helping underprivileged people maybe they could just spend less money on killing them. Link
posted by Darin D on 7/20/2001 02:17:07 AM

Effects of Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War - This rad is your rad, this rad is our rad...These rads were made for you and me.
posted by Death Angel on 7/20/2001 01:00:09 AM

Smoking can help Czech economy, Philip Morris-Little report says - It's 'Good For The Economy!' That idiotic phrase seems beguiling enough to convince millions of americans that injustice just might be ok...Why not the Czechs?
posted by Death Angel on 7/20/2001 12:42:56 AM

Thursday, July 19, 2001

DIRT ON DICK CHENEY? | Project Underground Read about your current Vice President.
posted by Death Angel on 7/19/2001 11:45:33 PM

A History of Secret Human Experimentation
posted by Death Angel on 7/19/2001 11:40:22 PM

Maybe It's Your Platitude (washingtonpost.com)
The need to talk about art -- and to write about art -- seems as basic as the need to experience art. Without talking about it, the experience remains private, and although sometimes you want to luxuriate in that privacy (while the credits roll after a very good movie), ultimately you come back to the world. You return to people and chatter and dinner party conversation, and then there's a desire to make sense of the whole thing. So you talk about art. Talking about it fixes it in the memory; it makes the evanescent experience of art more real.
As we become a society of art consumers, with little real experience with the technical issues of making art, we have less and less of substance to say about it. And our cliches both reflect and deny that truth.
posted by Darin D on 7/19/2001 12:24:07 PM

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

ABCNEWS.com : New Jersey Mystified by Strange Lights
"It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen," said eyewitness Joe Malvasio. "They were just hovering, and then they just disappeared. One at a time, each one started to fade until they were gone."
- This sounds familiar remember June 19, 1997?
posted by Darin D on 7/18/2001 02:42:08 AM

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

SpiritWeb: Introduction
posted by Darin D on 7/17/2001 04:18:13 PM

Monday, July 16, 2001

War is Peace
"The Bomb" is 56 years old today.

"I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds."
- Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, Director of Los Alamos
posted by Darin D on 7/16/2001 07:36:10 PM

Freedom is Slavery
A joyrider aged 14 became the first persistent young offender to be punished with a “Big Brother” surveillance programme yesterday.
The advanced Home Office-funded computer system can recognise youths’ faces if they appear on town-centre CCTV cameras. It also has a computerised voice recognition system that telephones the juvenile at various times of the day to check they are where they are supposed to be.
If the system catches out the offenders, workers from the Youth Offending Team or the police are sent to deal with them.
posted by Darin D on 7/16/2001 07:09:15 PM


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